Bakuman 2nd Season-25 episode.
Meneruskan sekuel yang sebelumnya di season 1 anime bakuman akan dilanjutkan ceritanya yang sempat blom selesai,walaupun manganya udah jauh banget anime yang satu ini gak boleh dilewatkan.

Bento-12 episode.
Sato yo anak SMA yang menyukai game SEGA,suatu hari ia memasuki toko grosir untuk membeli bahan makanan untuk makan malam,ketika ia mencoba mengambil Bento ia tiba2 pingsan.ketika tersadar semua bento udah sold out.sato baru sadar bahwa ada game war untuk memperebutkan bento dengan setengah harga dan para pemain disebut "wolves".Yarizui Sen pemimpin Half-Pricer Club memaksa sato untuk masuk diklubnya dan bertarung dalam bento war.

Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai-12 episode.
bercerita tentang club neighborclub bagi siswa yang tidak mempunyai teman yang dipimpin oleh yozora yang mana sebelum membentuk club tersebut memaksa dan menipu kodaka seorang murid pindahan setangah britis-japan ini berambut pirang dan orang2 mengiranya berandalan sehingga tidak ada yang mau mendekat.

Busou Shinki Moon Angel-episode belum diketahui.
anime ini menceritakan tentang pertarungan Shinki yah seperti anime medabots.ada bocah yang ingin sekali punya shinki tapi gak mampu dan sepulang sekolah ia nemu shinki terkapar diatas pohon setalh bertarung melawan shinki lainnya.

C3 - 12 episode
anime ini menceritakan tentang anak SMA Haruaki Yachi yang menerima cube super heavy black
(gw translate jadi aneh lol) dari ayahnya yang sedang berada diluar negeri,suatu malam ia terbangun mendengar suara berisik dari dalam dapur dan menemukan pencuri yg lagi makan nasi crakers yg ternyata seorang gadis telanjang.

Chihayafuru (12 episode)
Chihaya gadis tomboy yang gak menonjol disegala bidang,mempunyai impian menjadi gadis tercantik sejepang mungkin juga sedunai yang terinspirasi dari kakaknya,namun suatu saat ia bertemu dengan seseorang yang mengatakan bahwa impiannya itu harus dibarengin dengan usaha yang maksimal dan pada saat yg sama Chihaya menemukan keinginan untuk memainkan game jadul jepang yang disebut "karuta" (dejavu gw dulu beli komik tentang game karuta tapi gw drop karna gw gak ngerti maksud ceritanya hahaha).

Fate/Zero (12 episode)
yang ini gw yakin pada taulah ceritanya jadi gw skip yee :)

Guilty crown (26 episode).
setelah terjangkitnya virus yang tidak diketahui “Lost Christmas”ditahun 2029 jepang dibawah kontrol organisasi multinasional yang disebut GHQ.Ohma shu 17 tahun mempunyai kekuatan pysic ditangan kanannya.dan bergabung dengan guerrilla grup bernama undertaker untuk melawan pemerintahan.

HunterxHunter (episode belum diketahui).
yang pasti anime ini remake dari cerita yang terdahulu gw gak tau apakah ceritanya bakal berbeda atau lanjut atau sama ceritanya tapi dengan kualitas gambar yang bagus.

Kimi to Boku (12 episode)
The story revolves around four teens — the good-looking twins Yuta and Yuki Asaba, the effeminate Shun Matsuoka, and the class head Kaname Tsukahara — who have known each other since early childhood. While they are not necessarily good or bad friends, they continue to hang out well into high school. The half-Japanese transfer student Chizuru Tachibana joins the circle of friends in this comedy about the everyday life of adolescence.

Kara senjou no horizon (12 episode).
Set in a distant land, Japan is divided into feudal territories, yet conquered by outside countries, the city Musashi that will ignite the flame of battle is being targeted and has no choice but to keep its people safe by entering this war, with the fate of the world resting on its hands, the students of Musashi may hold the key to victory.

Last Exile (13 episode).
dalam cerita last exile 2 ini cerita bakal berbeda dengan sebelumnya walaupun karakter terdahulu bakal ada tetapi peran utama bukanlah karakter terdahulu melainkan Fam dan giselle.

Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! (12 episode)
Kawakami City is famous for its strong dedication to its samurai ancestors. A healthy fighting spirit is always valued and it’s even an important factor for success at school. Yamato, a second year student from Kawakami Highchool is always with his close friends (4 boys and 3 girls). They have all known each other since they were young and have done many things together. While they have many other friends, this group of seven is a close-knit, inseparable group. They even have a secret base where they meet. With the new semester, they welcome two girls into their group and shortly after things begin to change…

Maken-Ki (12 episode).
Takeru Ohyama, a young normal yet perverted minded guy, got accepted and now goes to a school that, unknown to him, was where combat and magic is used. On the first day, he meets again after three years: Haruko Amaya, his childhood friend, Inaho Kushiya, a girl who says she’s his fiance, and Kodama Himegami, a blonde who wants to kill him. Finding out that there are many girls there that just don’t like him, he is told that everyone there uses a special magic ability while using an item or weapon called a Maken. Later, he finds that no Maken is acceptable for him and doesn’t know what to do, since in this school the students get into duels that showcase their magic and combat power, to which he seemingly has none.

Symphony (12 episode)
Mashiro Iro Shingo’s school is decided to be joined with a girls’ school. As a selected student, Shingo temporarily transfers to the girls’ school until they officially consolidate. He meets various unique girls there, but all girls dislike male students. To remove their misunderstanding, Shingo works hard and…

Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) (26 episode)
Yukiteru always rejected any offers to go with friends and just keeps writing a diary on his cell phone. He has what he believes is an imaginary friend called Deus Ex Machina. However, one day Deus asks him to play a survival game along with eleven others. The winner becomes the next Deus Ex Machina. In order to win, the contestants must use their diaries of the future to eliminate one another. For Yukiteru to survive, he must team up with another diary holder, a girl named Yuno.

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (12 episode)
In A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar) a mysterious entity known only as “UE”, or “unknown enemy”, attacks and destroys the space colony Angel. This brutal attack becomes infamous as the “The Day the Angel Fell”, and marks the beginning of humanity’s war for survival. The series begins in A.G. 108 when the UE attack the space colony Ovan, where Flit Asuno lives with his mother. Flit’s mother is killed by the UE, and in her belongings (in an object called a “AGE Device”) he discovers the blueprints for a powerful weapon from the past–the ancient messiah named “Gundam.”

Persona (12 episode).

Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle (25 episode)
Kaito, a puzzle-loving high school freshman, is selected as a candidate for “Phi Brain”. He and his friend Nonah find an “unsolvable puzzle” near their school. The puzzle turns out to be a life-threatening “philosopher’s puzzle” created by the mysterious group POG. After successfully solving the puzzle, Kaito is designated as a Solver and is joined by other Solvers as they battle POG all over the world by solving the “philosopher’s puzzles”.

Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi 2 (12 episode)

Shakugan no Shana III / 灼眼のシャナⅢ Final (12 episode)

Shinryaku!? Ika Musume 2nd Season (12 episode)

Tamayura – Hitotose (12 episode)

UN-GO (11 episode)
Un-Go is an original anime set in the near future, revolving around the detective named Yuki and a boy named Inga, who continually encounter mysterious cases. Based from Sakaguchi Ango’s novel Meiji Kaika Ango Torimonocho. Meiji-era story about a detective named Yuki Shinjuro, who solves various incidents that happen in his circle of friends. The adaptation will utilize an original story set in the near future, revolving around the detective and a boy named Inga, who continually encounter mysterious cases.

Working!! (12 episode).
sepertinya bakal ada penambahan karakter baru.
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